What is Common Short Code?

Short codes are 5 or 6 digit numbers, to which wireless subscribers can address text messages, regardless of their wireless service provider. Short codes are easier to remember, handy and more compatible across all participating carriers. Short codes play the same role as a website URL does in internet world in driving end users to a common method of interaction. Therefore, this is a good idea for application developers to take advantage of short codes to provide interactive and handy wireless solutions. These applications or solutions can be chat, bill payments, marketing, polling, coupons, etc. that can be implemented using short code advantages.Short codes are somehow new in North America and some associations are working closely with carriers to regulate required policies and rules. If you are planning to send or receive messages across North America, you need to register your short code with all carriers so that all users regardless of their carrier or operator will be able to send messages to the same number and receive a message on his or her handset.
Standard and Premium ShortCode
In standard short codes, message recipients will not be charged for sending or receiving messages. In premium short codes, you can charge users a desire amount for the messages sent.
Vanity codes can be selected by the application provider. But prior to that, those short codes must be checked with carriers to make sure about their availability. Random short codes are the ones that will be assigned to applicants randomly.
Shared and Dedicated shortcode
Provisioning a dedicated Short Code takes substantial time, technical expertise, and an ongoing financial commitment. Wire2Air’s Shared Short Code System removes many of these barriers to entry by allowing customers to run applications and services on Wire2Air’s pre-provisioned Short Codes at a fraction of the cost of setting up a dedicated Short Code and intercarrier connection.
Wire2Air messaging platform employs an intelligent keyword-routing system and secure HTTP API that allows customers to both send and receive SMS messages with the speed and reliability of direct intercarrier connections. Advanced features include the ability to automatically handle opt-in/out requirements, create sub-keyword routing, and establish “sticky sessions” with wireless subscribers.
At times customers require a dedicated Short Code for an individual SMS promotion or service. This is often the case of Short Codes secured for “branding” or recognition purposes like 466453 for GOOGLE. It is also possible that due to the specific nature of an application, initial keyword-routing is not an optimal technique for routing incoming traffic.
In these cases, Wire2Air can provision a Dedicated Short Code on the intercarrier network and connect the ShortCode to all major carriers.. Wire2Air provisions Short Codes for all types of events and services and can expedite all aspects of the application and provisioning process with the wireless carriers.
Step 1 : Develop your messaging application
Develop your application, make sure your application follow all opt-in, opt-out, and other guidelines provided by us carriers. Wire2air offers extensive expertise in developing mobile content and text messaging application. You can deploy your messaging applications quickly by using our messaging gateway simple to use HTTP API interface and avoid extensive SMPP layer development efforts.
Wire2air offer API to send and receive SMS using simple and secure HTTP API. Wire2air messaging gateway will translate SMPP protocol to HTTP API and allow third-party applications to send and receive messages to subscriber over HTTP API.
Step 2 : Register your shortcode with neustar
Short code costs in USA
If you are planning to register your short code in USA, the following charges will be applied:
US$1000 per month for vanity short codes.
US$500 per month for random short codes.
All above fees are up-front and they must be paid fully upon singing up to any of those programs. The fees are non-refundable regardless of whether any wireless carriers agrees to activate your short code.
Register your shortcode at http://www.usshortcodes.com/
Step 3 : Activate your shortcode
Dedicated shortcode setup
In order to setup a short code, please contact our sales department at sales@wire2air.com or feel free to call us at either 1.800.928.6160 to speak to one of our professionals to assist you in registering a short code in North America. TxtImpact experts will go through all required registration steps with no errors to have your short code ready to operate. Registration process may take from 8 to 10 weeks.
Shared shortcode setup
If you are interested in using one of our shared code, you can provide us your desired keywords to route mobile originated short messages to your application. Please contact us at sales@wire2air.com to learn more about shared short prices and gateway access fee information. We offer unique sticky sessions feature allow you to continue to stay in touch with subscribers even if they don’t use keyword to text you.